
Sharh al-`Aqeedah an-Nasafiyyah

 Imaam Sa`d-ud-Deen at-Taftaazaani رحمة الله عليو


In the present age, there are numerous baatil groups promoting their own baatil beliefs that are in conflict with the age-old beliefs of Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jamaa`ah. This kitaab is meant to ground the readers in the correct `Aqaa'id (beliefs) of Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jamaa`ah.

Sharh al-`Aqeedah an-Nasafiyyah is a Maatureedi kitaab, but the differences between the Ash`aris and the Maatureedis are very few, and really are just semantical. There are no major differences between Ash`aris and Maatureedis in terms of `Aqeedah - the differences are all minor. In this kitaab, when it comes to an issue wherein the Ash`aris have a belief different to the Maatureedis, Imaam at-Taftaazaani mentions it, so this kitaab serves to impart both Maatureedi `Aqeedah and Ash`ari `Aqeedah.

We make Du`aa that Allaah Ta`aalaa makes this kitaab a means of benefit to us and to all those who read it, and that He lets us live and die upon the correct `Aqeedah and Manhaj, .آمين يا رب العالمين


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