
The History of Karbala


The important place Imam Husain (رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ ) occupies in Islamic History is too well known and requires no elucidation. Subsequent to the period of the Holy Last Messenger’s true successors, the incident that had a powerful impact on the religious and political history of Islam is the tragic event of Sayyidinaa  Imam Husain’s Shahadat (martyrdom). It may not be an exaggeration to say that no tragic incident that has occurred in this world caused humanity to shed tears so profusely as this particular event. More than thirteen hundred years have passed since this soul-stirring event in Islamic history and still the month of Muharram brings to the mind of every Muslim a vivid remembrance of the noble sacrifice offered by Sayyidinaa  Imam Husain ibn Ali bin Abu Talib (رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ ).


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