Al Imaan wal Kufr
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- والإيمان: هو الإقرار باللسان، والتصديق بالجنان

- وجميع ما صح عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من الشرع والبيان كله حق.

- والإيمان واحد، وأهله في أصله سواء، والتفاضل  بينهم بالخشية والتقى، ومخالفة الهوى، وملازمة الأولى








Table of Contents




Iman Mufassal

Kufr and its characteristics:

The Four Types of Kufr

Kufr Jahl:

Kufr Juhood:

Kufr Shakk:

Kufr Ta’weel:

Types of Kuffar:

Acts which nullify Iman:








The Rasul believes in what has been sent down to him from his Rabb as do the Mu’mineen. They all believe in Allah. His Angels and His Books. No distinction is made between one and another of them. They say: We hear and we obey. Forgive us our Rabb. and to You is our final destination.’

Suratul Baqara 284 ayah


And those who have Imaan and do righteousness and have Imaan in that which has been sent down to Muhammad and it is the Haqq from their Rabb. He will remove their evils from them and improve their condition.

Suratul Muhammad 2 ayah


Al Imam at Tahawi Rahmatullahi alaih said:


والإيمان: هو الإيمان بالله، وملائكته، وكتبه، ورسله، واليوم الآخر، والقدر خيره وشره، وحلوه ومره من الله تعالى.

 Belief consists of belief in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and belief that the Decree - both the good of it and the bad of it, the sweet of it and the bitter or it - is all from Allah. (Aqeedah Tahawiyyah)


 Iman Mufassal



I believe in Allah and His Angels and His Books and

His Messengers and The Last Day and Qadr. the Good of it and The Bad of

it is from Allahu ta Ala and The Ressurection after Death.



Alhamdulillah. Allahu ta ‘ala commands to that which is correct and Guides to the way that is straight. The most important aspect of being, of existence in this world and the next is True Imaan and proper Aqaa’id (Islamic beliefs).         Without these, we are not Muslim but in fact Kuffar.       It is not enough to have been born into a Muslim family or to affirm with the tongue our acceptance of Kalima Shahaadah and say we are Ahli Qiblah while flaunting incorrect beliefs and actions.

True Imaan can be described and summed up with one simple phrase and adherence to the same: Al Imam At Tahaawi[1] said:


- والإيمان: هو الإقرار باللسان، والتصديق بالجنان

Faith (belief) is affirmation by the tongue and believing in the heart and mind.

(Aqeedah Tahaawiyyah)


Wal Iman huwal Iqraaru bi lisaan wat tasdiqun bil janaan

“Iman is Acceptance with the Heart (Qalb) and Declaration with the Tongue (Lisaan) “


Tasdiq bil Janaan means a firm acceptance and belief unaccompanied by doubt in ones heart of hearts (Qalb). A person who has Tasdiq Bil Janaan believes in the Existence of Allahu ta ala and accepts specific injunctions such as belief in The Last Day, The Angels, the necessity of following Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi as sallim for Salvation in the Hereafter, etc.

Allamah Taftaazaani Rahmatullah[2] alaihi In “Sharhul Aqaa’id states that Tasdiq is the primary fundamental of Imaan and says that:

Tasdiq is the acceptance of all that which Muhammad Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim brought from Allahu ta ‘ala.”

This means the acceptance of everything proven to have been delivered to the Ummah by Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim. Further evidence of the correctness of this view of Allama Taftaazaani is found in Suratul Hashr wherein Allahu ta ‘ala states:

And accept (take) what The Rasul gives you and

deny yourselves that which he withholds.


Al Imaam Tabari[3] Rahmatullah Alaihi the famous Muffasir (Authority on Authentic Qur’anic Commentary) commenting on the verse;

Allatheena yu’minoona bil ghayb” from the third ayah of Suratul Baqara, ‘presenting the views states that:

… the four verses sent down to Muhammad Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim alaihi wa sallim ( from the beginning of Suratul Baqara ) as a description of all the believers whose description this is, Arab and Ajam ( non-Arab ), people of the two scriptures ( Taurah and Injeel ), and others. This is a description of just a single category of people: the believers in what Allahu ta ala sent down to Muhammad Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim and what was sent down before him are the believers in the Unseen.

These Believers accepted with their hearts and testified to this truth with their tongues (Kalima Shahaadah and Iman Mufassal etc.) all that was sent down to the Rasul Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.

Ibaadah (acts of worship) must be accompanied by Imaan, as without this, we cannot claim to be Ahli Qiblah (Followers of The Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) even if we make Salaah. pay Zakaah, Fast Ramadhan and go for Hajj.

Kufr and its characteristics:

For the Believers there are certain essential beliefs and practices, the source of which have been established with absolute certainty (Tawaatur ) the certainty of such beliefs and practices is of such an absolute degree that there does not admit the slightest doubt. These beliefs and practices are called Dhurooriyaati Deen. Belief in all of them is Fardh (Obligatory), denial of any of them amounts to Kufr (Rejection) even if         is a Mustahaab act such as using Miswaak. Although Miswaak is a Sunnah and not Fardh, to deny that is part of Deen, that is, deny the Sunnah is Kufr.

The Dhurooriyaati Deen (Essentials of the Deen consist of Ahkaam (Laws and rules) covering all aspects of life and all categories. What is Fard (Obligatory) what is Waajib (Absolutely necessary) Haraam (What is unlawful), Halaal (What is Lawful) Mubah (That which is   merely permissible to do), Mustahaab (that which is praiseworthy but not mandatory to do) etc. About the Essentials of the Deen we should understand that:           

1. It is Fardh to believe in every belief and practice that constitutes an Essential of the Deen even if such practices are Sunnah, Mustahaab, and Nafl etc.

2. Denial of any of the essentials of Deen. practices or beliefs is Kufr.

3. Neglecting or discarding any Fardh, Waajib or Sunnatul Muakkada is not Kufr if one still believes them to be correct and accepts them as essential. This person becomes a Fasiq (One who knowingly transgresses the Limits Allahu ta ‘ala has placed upon Mankind or neglects the Ibaadah). Such a person, though not a Kaafir, may be punished by Allahu ta ala for his transgressions if he doesn’t repent before dying.

4. Omission of a Mustahaab act is not sinful provided one believes it to be Mustahaab.


The Four Types of Kufr

There are basically four kinds of Kufr and anyone guilty of any of these types of kufr is described as a Kaafir in terms of Shari’ah. They are:

1.         Kufr Jahl

2.         Kufr Juhood

3.         Kufr Shakk

4.         Kufr Ta’weel.


Kufr Jahl:

Kufr Jahl means kufr occasioned by Ignorance. Islam or the true teachings of Islam are denied on the basis of Ignorance. The rejecter believes that Islam is false. This was the type of kufr of Abu Jahl and his compatriots.

Evidence: Suratul Maida 107


And when it is said to them: Come to what has been sent down from Allah to the Rasul. they say: Enough for us is the ways of our fathers. What! Even though their fathers were totally devoid of knowledge and guidance?


Kufr Juhood:

Kufr Juhood means deliberate kufr. The denial of Islam or its teachings done deliberately in spite of realizing its truth. This is the type of kufr of Ahli Kitaab (Jews and Christians) and Shaytaan may Allahu ta ala curse him. About this type of kufr we find a clear description in Holy Quran Suratul Baqara 89 ayah wherein Allahu ta ala says:

“And when a Book came to them from Allah, confirming what was with them, and they previously prayed for help to overcome the unbelievers, when what they recognized came to them, they disbelieved in it (Became Kuffar); and the Curse of Allah is on the Kafireen.

Al Imaam Tabari Rahmatullah alaihi reports in his Tafsir ‘Jami’ al bayaan ‘an Ta’weel ay Al Quran” that Hazrat Ibn Abbas Rathiallahu anhu says about this ayat (whose source is Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim):

The Jews used to pray for the help of Muhammad Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim, before he was sent, to overcome the Aus and Khazraj. But when Allahu ta ala sent him from among the Arabs. they disbelieved in him and disclaimed what they had been saying about him. Then Hazrat Mu’adh bin Jabal and Bishr ibn al Baraa lbn Marur Rathiallahu ta ‘ala anhum ajmain, one of Banu Salma (Tribe) said to them: “0 community of Jews, fear Allah and embrace Islam. You used to pray for Muhammad’s (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) help to overcome us when we were polytheists and tell us that he would be sent, and you described him to us.” Then Salaam ibn Mishkam, one of the Banu An Nadeer. (one of the Jews) said:  “He brought us nothing we recognize and he is not the one we used to mention to you.” So Allah sent down about what they said. “And when a book came to them from Allah, confirming what was with them, and they previously prayed for help to overcome the unbelievers, when what they recognized came to them, the disbelieved (Committed Kufr) in it; and the Curse of Allah is on the Kafireen.

About the Kufr of the Christians, their kufr is deliberate as they are mentioned in Suratul A’raaf ayah 157 wherein Allahu ta ala says:

“Those who follow the Rasulun Nabiyy the Ummi who they find mentioned in their Books, the Taurah and Injeel: For he Commands to what is Correct and Prohibits corruption ( evil ); he allows them what is Halaal and Tayyib and prohibits them the Khabaaith the bad and impure ); he releases them from the yoke that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him (Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) and honour him and help him and follow the noor sent down with him, they are the Muflihoon (Successful).


Kufr Shakk:

Kufr Shakk is kufr occasioned by doubting the truthfulness of Islam and because of their doubts they reject Islam and thereby are Kuffar considered Kuffar. About this group of Kuffar Allahu ta ala says In Suratul Baqara ayah 23:


And if you are in doubt (Rayb) with what we have sent down to our Servant, then produce a Surah similar to it, and call your witnesses apart from Allah, if you are sadiqeen. (truthful in speech)

In the Tafsir of Al Imam Tabari we read:

“if you o polytheist Arabs. and the unbelievers among the people of the scripture are in doubt about the light, the clear demonstration, and the verses of Furqaan which We have sent down to Our Servant Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). that it is from Me, that It is I who have sent it down to him, them produce a proof that will refute his proof. For you know that everyone who has Prophethood proves the truth of his claim to it by producing a demonstration, the like of which no creature is able to produce.”

In the very next ayah Allahu ta ‘ala tells the doubters that they 9 will not be able to produce a Surah the like of which they doubted had come down to Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim from Allahu ta ala. Their inability to produce a Surah even with all their helpers manifest the truth of the Holy Last Nabi Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim. Allahu ta ‘ala further announces the punishment to face them by saying:

And if you do not, and you never will, then fear the fire whose fuel is men and stone, prepared for the Kafireen.

Kufr Ta’weel:

Kufr Ta’weel is kufr by way of interpretation. The kufr is not done through outright rejection of Islamic principles or beliefs, it is done by distorting or giving a meaning other than that which the established meaning giving to it by Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim. Qur’anic ayaah and Ahadith are given meanings which conflict with the true and original meaning as explained by Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim. For this reason we are not allowed to give out our own opinion or understanding of Ayaah of Holy Qur’an and Hadith. By means of Ta’weel, many who were born Muslim or who have converted to Islam have become Kuffar. In Mishkaat Shareef we read:

Ibn Abbas Rathiallahu anhu reported that Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim said: Whoever interprets the Qur’an according to his opinion (Ra’yah)? let him seek his abode in the fire.” (Tirmidhi)

Further Allahu ta ‘ala says about Kufr Ta’weel, Suratul Ali ‘Imraan 7 ayaah;

He is the One who sent down to you the book. In it are ayaah muhkamaatun (With a clear established meaning), they are Ummul Kitaab (mother of the book), and others are allegorical (mutashaabihah). But those who have perverted hearts follow the allegorical seeking to cause fitna and seeking it’s hidden meaning Ta’weel ) and none knows the Ta’weel except Allah. And those who are really knowledgeable say: “We believe in it. all of it is from our Rabb; and none mind except men of understanding.

Further proof of the incorrectness of Ta’weel of Quran based upon 10 personal opinion (Ta’weel Bir Ray) is the well known ahadith in the Sahih of Imaam Muslim “Kitaab ul ‘Ilm wherein Hazrat Ummmahaatul Mu’mineen Hazrat Aisha Siddiqah Rathiallahu anha reported that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi we sallim recited the above mentioned ayaah and commenting on it said that when you see those who go by the figurative (mutashaabihah) know that they have gone astray and avoid them.


Types of Kuffar:

As we have attempted to prove with decisive proof, every person who is not a Muslim or mu’min is described in Shari’ah as a Kaafir, every one of them. There are several types of Kuffar:


1. The Munafiq who verbally attests with the tongue (Iqraaru Bil Lisaan) but not with the heart (Tasdiq Bil Qalb). Both must be present in a person to qualify as a Muslim or believer.

2. The Murtadh (Apostate or Renegade) is the person who after accepting Islam renounces his acceptance because of doubt, etc.

3. The Mushrik who associates something else as a partner with Allahu ta ‘ala or believes that other things have power and ability independent of Allahu ta ‘ala.

4. The Kitaabi, who follows a previously revealed book which Islam abrogates such as the Christians and the Jews. (see Kufr Juhood).

5. The Dahriyyah are those who believe in the eternity of time and attribute the creation to time. These are those who believe in dialectical materialism (Marxist—Leninists), as well as those who subscribe to the big bang theory of the universe and the origin of the species as propounded by Charles Darwin.

6. The Muattil is the one who outright denies the existence of Allahu ta ‘ala otherwise known as the atheist.

7. The Zindeeq is the person who acknowledges the Prophethood of Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim and proclaims belief in all the principles and beliefs of Islam nonetheless hold beliefs which are unanimously branded as kufr in the Shari’ah. A Zindeeq would be the individual who though claiming to believe in Paradise and Hell believe these to simply be spiritual states of existence and not a physical reality on the day of Judgement.

Acts which nullify Iman:

Certain acts nullify Imaan just as water quenches fire. We should be very careful about doing or uttering anything which is beyond our knowledge as well as refrain from giving any interpretations of Holy Qur’an and Hadith not based on sound Tafsir. Below we list a few people who by their wrong beliefs or actions fall into the category of Kaafir. (see “The 4 types of kufr)

1. A person who believes in a Nabi ( Prophet ) after Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim, thereby rejecting Khaatamun Nabuwaat (Finality of Prophethood ) of The Holy Last Messenger, Prophet Muhammad Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.

2. One who believes that anyone from among men or jinn be they an Angel or a Prophet with message, is equal or superior to Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.

3. One who believes that the Office of Prophethood can be acquired by disciplining and purifying the animal desires (Taskiyat wa Tasfiyat tun Naf s).

4. One who claims he has received Wahi (Divine Revelation) even if he doesn’t claim to be a prophet. (Not to be confused with Ilhaam i.e. pure inspired thoughts from Allahu ta ‘ala as some Auliyah receive).

5. One who denies the Miracles of the Prophets outright or by way of interpretation (Ta’wil).

6. One who refuses to believe that followers of other religions are Kuffar even though Allahu ta clearly states this. (Ali ‘Imraan (3) 85 Ayaah)

7. One who claims that the Khulafaahir Rashideen are Kaafir or Murtadh (renegades) are themselves Kaafir.

8. One who shows reverence to other religious practices, by the wearing of their religious symbols (cross, ankh etc.) or by sharing in their customs (Christmas, kwanza etc.)?

9. One who expresses satisfaction of any statement of .Kufr or considers anything of the Kuffar to be superior to that ordered by Allahu ta ‘ala.

10. One who utters kufr even in jest unless under compulsion of necessity (torture etc.).

11. One who slanders any of the Prophets or Messengers or claims that they committed sins.

12. One who makes Halaal Haraam or makes Haraam Halaal.

13. One who denies that Allahu ta ‘ala is as He has described Himself through his Names and Qualities (Asmaa was Sifaat).

14. One who finds fault, or makes light of any teaching of Islam.

15. One who claims a belief in the Unity of Religions, that is, that all of them are true and leading to Allahu ta ala and are just different ways leading the One.



We pray that Allahu ta ala grants us all the fruit of true Imaan and allow us to remain amongst those who are truly Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaat. We pray that Allahu ta 'ala grant us the wisdom to accept with our hearts and to attest with out tongues the truthfulness of all that has been sent down to Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim. 0 Allah send countless Salawaat and Salaams on our Master and our Leader Sayyidina wa Mawlaanaa Muhammad as countless as the drops of water that descend from the sky during a torrent. 0 Allah send countless numbers of your Salawaat and Salaams on our Master and Leader Sayyidina Muhammad the Best of All the Created things. 0 Allah grant our Master a Noor that will outshine all other noor on Yawmul Qiyaam and Allow his family and companions and those who follow them to enjoy his companionship and intercession on Yawmul Qiyaam. Indeed you are the Hearer of the sinner in his time of need and indeed you are the acceptor of the petition of the forlorn. Ameen.


Our Rabb Do Not cause our hearts to deviate after you have guided us aright and grant us Rahmat, Indeed you are the Most liberal Giver [Ali Imran Ayah 7


[1] Imam At-Tahhawiy, rahimahu Allah, is a renowned scholar among the Salaf assaleh. Imam Hafeth Athahaby said in his valuable book " Seeyaru A'alaami Anubalaa" vol. 15/27: " he is the Imam, the knowledgeable, the great Hafez, the Muhhaddeth and Faqeeh of the lands of Egypt, Abu Ja'far Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Salamah bin Salmat bin Abdul Malek Al-Azadiyy Al-Hagriy Al-Masri At-Tahhawwiy Al Hanafiy, the author of many books, born in Taha in Egypt in the year of 239 H. He is the renowned scholar in Hadeeth and Fiqh with many books. He traveled to Syria in the year of 268 H. (taken from: “Fulfilling the Need with the Obligatory creed of ‘Ilm at Tawhid: A summary of the Aqeedah of Ahl as Sunnah  wal Jamaa’at” by Sheikh Sayyid Muhammad ibn Yahya Ninowy)


[2] Sa`d al-Din Mas`ud ibn `Umar al-Taftazani (1322 - 1389/ d. 791), one of the great mujtahid of the Shafi`i school, he authored books in tafsir, kalam, usul, fiqh, `ilm al-mantiq (logic), grammar, rhetoric, and philology. He excelled in Fiqah, logic, metaphysic and theology. Taftazani’s first book was Sharh al Tasrif about Arabic grammar. He also authored Al Matlawal, Mukhtasar-ul-Ma'ni, Al-Talwih, Al-Miftah and many others. Sa`d al-Din Mas`ud ibn `Umar was born in Taftazan, Khurasan.

[3] Muhammad ibn Jarir ibn Yazid ibn Kathir, Abu Ja`far al-Tabari (d. 310), one of the major mujtahid Imams and the founder of a school of Law which remained for 150 years after his death, then disappeared. He is the author of a massive commentary on the Qur'an; an equally large universal history; a biographical history entitled Tarikh al-Rijal; an encyclopedia of jurisprudence entitled al-Basit and a medium-sized work entitled Latif al-Qawl fi Ahkam Shara'i` al-Islam, which he abridged into a smaller work; a book on the dialects and sciences of the Qur'an entitled al-Qira'at wa al-Tanzil wa al-`Adad; the unfinished book of al-Fada'il on the immense merits of the Companions; al-Manasik on the rituals of Pilgrimage; Sharh al-Sunna ("Explanation of the Sunna"); al-Musnad ("Narrations With Uninterrupted Chains"); the unfinished Tahdhib al-Athar ("Classification of Transmitted Reports"); Tabsir Uli al-Nahi ("Admonishment for the Wise") for the people of Tabaristan; Ma`alim al-Huda ("Sign-Posts of Guidance"); Ikhtilaf al-Fuqaha' ("The Differences Among the Jurists"); Tartib al-`Ulama' ("Classification of the Scholars of Knowledge") etc. Al-Dhahabi praises the latter book and mentions that al-Tabari begins it with the rules of conduct for the purification of the self and the sayings of the Sufis. (Taken from; “At Tabari” by Hajji Gibril F. Haddad


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Last modified: 08/29/06